Do you play on your school team?


Pakmen Plus

Pakmen Plus is an advanced volleyball league for boys in Grades 7-8 and 9-12 who are members of their school team or who already have very good volleyball skills. Participants will get the chance to train and compete with peers with similar interests.

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School Team Athlete Training Program

School Team Athlete Training Program (STAT) is an advanced training program for athletes who already play on school teams. The focus is on individual skill development, not game play. 80% of the time is spent warm up and skill development while the remaining 20% of the time may be dedicated to organized game play.

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High School Setter Program

This program is for high school athletes who set for their school team.

Setters will receive advanced training under the director of one of our setter coaches.

The program will teach each athlete the fundamentals of being a setter. The technical focus will be on footwork and hand contact, but athletes will also work on the decision-making aspects of the position. There will be a large emphasis on setting location and good body posture. Setting targets will be used during this program to improve each athlete’s setting accuracy and provide them with appropriate success criteria to aid their development.

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GTA Premier League

GTA Premier League is an advanced volleyball league for girls who play on school teams or if a Pakmen coach recommends this program to a player in one of our programs. 40% of the time is spent on warm up and skill development while the remaining 60% of the time is dedicated to organized game play.

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School Team Athlete Training Program

School Team Athlete Training Program (STAT) is an advanced training program for athletes who already play on school teams. The focus is on individual skill development, not game play. 80% of the time is spent warm up and skill development while the remaining 20% of the time may be dedicated to organized game play.

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Pakmen Prospects

This program is an advanced skill development program for girls who already have very good skills and want to train with peers of similar abilities under the direction of some of our best rep coaches. Players should be starters on their school teams at a minimum.

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High School Setter Program

This program is for high school athletes who set for their school team.

Setters will receive advanced training under the director of one of our setter coaches.

The program will teach each athlete the fundamentals of being a setter. The technical focus will be on footwork and hand contact, but athletes will also work on the decision-making aspects of the position. There will be a large emphasis on setting location and good body posture. Setting targets will be used during this program to improve each athlete’s setting accuracy and provide them with appropriate success criteria to aid their development.

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