GTA Premier Volleyball League
Written By: Megan Heck
The GTA Premier Volleyball League is an advanced volleyball program for girls who are ‘starters’ on their school teams in grades 7-8 and 9-12 and want to train with girls of similar interests and abilities. The players meet Sunday’s afternoons/evenings for 2 hours at Mississauga Secondary School. There is a playoff and championship final twice during the 9-month program. Situational learning is the key to Pakmen’s success. Every practice is a chance to learn a new technique or a new skill. Pakmen takes practices very seriously because the two hours the coaches are given are critical to the players. The two hours of volleyball is organized into a specific time for volleyball techniques and specific time for playing time. The first 60-70 minutes of the 120-minute practice is based on volleyball tactics, techniques, and strategies, such as hitting, defensive skills, serving, and passing. The remaining 50-60 minutes is two-on-two drills and game play. Coaches find that players can learn techniques better during game play than in the midst of drills because the game play gives a real game feel, which uses different reflexes. This shows the coaches how much the players actually learned during the drills and technique lessons. For more information about the GTA Premier Volleyball League, please go here
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