Families can learn more about the Peel Region High Performers Program by attending the virtual information night!

Information Night

January 26, 2022
6:00PM to 7:00PM


4 to 5 & 6 to 8


Microsoft Teams

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High Performers Program will Start During the 2022/2023 School Year

Program Overview

The High Performers Program is a specialized program where elite athletes can train their specific sport during the morning, Monday to Thursday, and then attend a High Performers Program school in the afternoon, and full day on Fridays where they will receive all their academic credits. This program allows the student/athlete to complete their education with a consolidated school schedule and provides the daily flexibility that allows student-athletes the time to train in their sport.

Pakmen a Pace Setter in High Performance Training

By David Winer
If you want to be the best, you must learn from the best. Members of the Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) will have the opportunity to significantly advance their skill sets when Mississauga’s Pakmen Volleyball Club hosts Canada’s first-ever High Performers Program (Volleyball) in the fall. more

Volleyball High Performers Program (Mississauga)

blankThe Volleyball High Performers Program (Mississauga) is an athlete centred program focusing on fundamental skill development, movement literacy, and integrated strength and conditioning that are age/development appropriate. This program is offered by the nationally acclaimed Pakmen Volleyball Club and is open to athletes who already play rep volleyball and are in grades 7 to 12. The program runs, Monday to Thursday mornings throughout the school year at the Pakmen Courts in Mississauga. Athletes attend a high performers school in the afternoon. Athletes are expected to attend school on Fridays.

The Peel Region District School Board and the Toronto District School board both offer High Performers Programs and participants do not have to live in the school or board boundaries to attend one of their HPP schools.

The following schools offer the High Performer Program:

Middle School – Dolphin Sr. Public School (Mississauga) & Hollycrest Middle School (Etobicoke)

High School – Mississauga Secondary School (Mississauga) & Silverthorn Collegiate Institute (Etobicoke)

Athlete Centred Philosophy

Training is based on individual development. Professional NCCP volleyball certified full time coaches lead each program with a low coach to athlete ratio allowing for lots of personal feedback, ball contacts and progress for athlete success. Unfortunately, our young development athletes often spend more time in competition and competition preparation than in training and development. Practice time is typically spent on developing team systems in preparation for games. While this produces short term success on the court, the technical skills of our athletes are being left behind. The High Performers Program aims to counter this trend with training sessions focused on individual skill, movement, and strength and conditioning development.
Stream 1) dedicated to grade 7/8 athletes who enjoy the sport and are looking to develop skills and tactics. The focus is on skills and body movement patterns designed for future high performance success.
Stream 2) dedicated to grade 9-11 athletes who have entered the sport, compete and train as committed club athletes. Athletes in this stream are at the early stages of high performance training and are entering into a key window of skill acquisition and fundamental movement patterns.


Pakmen Courts
1775 Sismet Road
Mississauga ON L4W1P9
The program will be held at Pakmen’s very own premium 5-court facility in Mississauga.


Athletes are responsible to arrange for their own transportation to the high performers school after their morning training each day. They may opt for the school bus option which will take the students from the HPP Centre to Dolphin M.S. or Mississauga S.S.. Students must arrange for their own transportation home after school and to and from school on Fridays. **Please note we will have an update on transportation to Hollycrest and Silverthorn Collegiate shortly.

Steps to Register

Step 1 - Register with the School

Register for the school portion of the program directly with the HPP school of your choice.

Dolphin Senior Public School

Mississauga Secondary School

Hollycrest Middle School

Silverthorn Collegiate Institute

Step 2

Register with Pakmen

Register online for the volleyball portion (first and last month's payment) due when registering.

High Performers Program


  • Initial Payment of $1100 for September and June (first and last month)
  • Sign up for recurring subscription of $550 in October until May (8 months) - link will be sent to registrants in October
  • Total cost is for 10 months
Sign Up

High Performers Program w/ Bus Option


  • Initial Payment of $1300 for September and June (first and last month)
  • Sign up for recurring subscription of $650 in October until May (8 months) - link will be sent to registrants in October
  • Total cost is for 10 months
Sign Up

Questions? Contact us!


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