Looking for an edge to get better?

  • August 27, 2015

Are you looking for an ‘edge’ to fast track your skills? Gettn’ Better volleyball training program may be the answer. You don’t play any games in the Gettn’ Better program … but that’s why it is such an effective program. Most programs spend some time on skill development, some time on positioning, game play, etc. etc.
Gettn Better is 90 minutes of pure athlete development. We have the time to spend as much time as required on your serve, your pass, your attack, and so forth, without having to worry about playing games. That’s why you get 500 quality ‘touches’ in each Gettn Better practice. The program is for players in grades 7 to 12 who can already play the game. We have 3 full sized gyms so we are able to group you with peers of your own age/skill level. In gym A we have national team players Daniel Dearing and Victoria Altomare, gym B is Provincial and National Champion Jessy Satti and gym C is Provincial Champion rep coach Phillip Rodrigues. Many participants are already in another one of our programs; they use this program to fast track their skills so they can take their game to the next level. Get Better with Gettn’ Better! For more informaiton about this program click here.

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