NEW – Parent and Player Program

  • August 10, 2018

Pakmen Volleyball is pleased to announce that we will be implementing the new Ontario Volleyball Association’s Parents and Players program this fall. This is a learn to play program
aimed at providing parents and kids who have never played the sport of volleyball previously, with a positive first engagement to the sport.

Parents must be fully dedicated to being actively involved in this program as both parent and child participate in the physical portion of the session and work side-by-side to more effectively learn the skills.

Why Choose this Approach:

  • By engaging and educating parents, children are much more likely to have a positive sports experience beyond the term of this project.
  • By engaging parents and teaching them the fundamentals of volleyball, clubs will also start to build up the base of knowledgeable volunteers. Participation in the program may also encourage parents and children who otherwise would not consider coaching/officiating – to move in that direction and participate in volleyball for a longer time.
  • By providing a quality first engagement sports experience we aim to increase athlete retention and an improve the likelihood of lifelong participation in sport for both child and parent.

This program will be offered in Mississauga, Brampton and Milton. For more information, or to register, please go here.

Read about PAKMEN’s High Performance Volleyball programs

Read about PAKMEN’s Recreational programs