Tips for Beginners to Get Started with Volleyball

By Pakmen Volleyball Research Staff
Volleyball is an interesting game that is gaining in different parts of the world and brings people together of all ages. Men and women as well as boys and girls choose to play volleyball.
Like any other sports, volleyball has its own rules. The game of volleyball is played by two teams. Each volleyball team consists of 6 players. The teams play on opposite sides of the court.
Each player has his/her own position and responsibilities on the court. Some position themselves in the front row of the court and some in the back row of the court.
It’s important to know that volleyball teams should aim to land the ball on each side of the court. Volleyball is played until one of the teams earns 25 points and has a 2 point advantage.
Oftentimes, beginners find it difficult to get started with volleyball. Once you get started, you need to train smart and work hard to improve your volleyball skills. All of this will allow you to become a better player, who will be able to demonstrate good performance and contribute greatly, to the success of your team.
How go you get started and play the game of volleyball like a pro? What does it take to be a good volleyball player? What skills does a volleyball player have to work on? Obviously, it’s incredibly important for beginners to get the answers to all of these important questions.
In this blog, we would like to provide tips for beginners to help you get started with volleyball successfully. We’ll describe what steps beginners have to take on their journey to success. Read on to get familiar with volleyball tips for beginners and get the most out of your practices.
Master Volleyball Serving Skills
All volleyball games begin with a serve, that’s why it’s so important for beginners to learn how to serve properly.
The ball can be served in several ways. There are two types of serves in volleyball, overhand and underhand serves. It is best to learn underhand serves before you get started on overhand serves.
Depending on the situation, you can pick the type of a serve during a game. It’s up to you to select what type of serve is better. Clearly, you should analyse the game carefully and serve the ball in the way that’s more convenient to you.
Learn How to Bump the Ball
After handling the ball, you should pass it to one of your teammates. Next, try to organize an attack hit. Bumping the ball is all about passing the ball to the setter.
First and foremost, you have to prepare for bumping. It would be great to handle the ball with a fist. When taking this position, you need to ensure that your thumbs are flat. Your thumbnails have to face upward. Put your feet shoulder-width apart.
You should watch volleyball carefully at all times. By doing so, you will be able to predict where the ball is likely to land after the opposing team’s attack hit.
Obviously, you should approach where your ball is likely to land on your side of the court ahead of time. When handling the ball, the ball must stay in front of you. Rotate your elbow to point the ball in the right direction.
Develop Your Setting Skills
Of course, you should also practice your volleyball setting skills. It all begins with preparation. First of all, you need to prepare for setting properly. Your hands have to be held in the air and form a triangle. Bend your legs slightly and keep your feet shoulder width apart.
When setting the ball, you need to ensure that you are contacting the ball with your fingertips. It’s also very important to contact the ball at the right time. Do your best to contact the ball when it reaches your eye level. Take advantage of your legs to push the ball upward toward your target.
Practice Attacking Skills
Let’s say that you have resisted the opponent’s attack hit and handled the ball successfully. After, you should make a pass and send a ball to one of your teammates on the court.
Next, a volleyball hitter should try to carry out an attack hit and land the ball on the opposing side of the court. If an attack is successful, your team will earn a point.
That’s why it’s so important for you to work on attacking volleyball skills. It would be great for you to approach the hitting place beforehand.
Aim to hit the ball forcefully and precisely with your dominant hand. Hit the ball with power and do your best to make it difficult for the opposing team’s blockers to resist your attack hit.
When hitting the ball, you should also watch the opponent’s blockers and find the holes in the opposing team’s defense.
Focus on Developing Volleyball Blocking Skills
Blocking is a key element of a team’s defense, so the success of your volleyball team’s defense largely depends on its blockers. The way you block the ball determines how the next play will be.
Blocking is a great way to stop the opposing team’s attacks. It’s important to keep in mind that blocking gives a team an excellent opportunity to turn defense into offence.
In a game, the ball often goes in unpredictable directions after a block, resulting in your opponents finding it difficult to resist an attack hit after the ball has been blocked.
If you are a defensive volleyball player, then blocking has to be a part of your training program. Of course, every blocker should work hard to improve his/her volleyball blocking skills.
Master the Art of Digging
Let’s assume that the opposing team has carried out an attack hit and the ball has gone through your team’s blockers and now it’s about to land on your side of the volleyball court. The only thing you can do is to dig the ball.
Luckily, digging is a technique that makes it possible for defensive players to stop the ball from landing on your side of the court. Most importantly, attempt to land the ball on the court successfully after digging the ball properly. Avoid getting injuries after landing.
Practice Volleyball Drills
Practicing basic volleyball drills are a must for developing basic skills. By doing so, you’ll improve your performance significantly.
The big question is – what type of drills should beginners practice? Evidently, beginners should focus on drills that improve their serving, setting, passing, blocking, digging and hitting techniques.
Such basic volleyball drills as Wall Hitting, Wall Blocks, 1-on-1 Setting Drills, Toss and Pass must be a part of a beginner’s volleyball training program.
It goes without saying that you’ll get started with the sport of volleyball successfully if you practice these basic drills on a regular basis. Performing these drills will allow players to develop basic skills, boost their performance and overall become a better player.
Train Hard, Train Smart and Train Regularly
Without a doubt, Hard work is necessary in order to achieve success. Attend practices, work on perfecting each technique and practice volleyball drills on a regular basis.
Frst, beginners should focus on mastering basic skills. Then, volleyball athletes should improve their skills and try to boost their performance.
Although it may be difficult to learn these techniques, volleyball players should never stop on their way to success!
Long pauses in training will negatively affect the performance of volleyball players. Hence it’s important for volleyball players to stay consistent with their training.
Thank you for reading this article. Beginners should work hard to develop basic skills. Getting started with volleyball can be hard. However, things will be easier if you work hard on a regular basis. Volleyball beginners should focus on developing serving, setting, blocking, diving and attacking techniques. Stay consistent with your training and success will not keep you waiting. Good luck!