Volleyball Exercises

What does it take to be a good volleyball player? Actually, it’s a question faced by so many athletes who would like to succeed in the sport of volleyball. Obviously, it takes massive investment, time, planning and dedication to become a successful volleyball player. Plus, it’s incredibly important for an athlete to work hard and do the right type of volleyball exercises on a regular basis. Keep in mind that volleyball players need to do different types of exercises to improve their skills and get ready for matches.
It’s clear that attackers should focus on volleyball hitting exercises, defensive volleyball players should focus on blocking exercises, setters should focus on setting exercises and servers need to do serving exercises. There are also some volleyball exercises that need to be done by every volleyball player.
Obviously, a volleyball player should aim to improve a vertical jump, explosive speed as well as volleyball strength and conditioning exercises. That’s why it makes a lot of sense for athletes to do volleyball exercises to jump higher as well as volleyball exercises for strength and conditioning. This blog post concentrates on the volleyball exercises that have to be a part of every player’s training program.
Volleyball Exercises to Jump Higher
The sport of volleyball is all about jumping. According to the statistics, a volleyball player jumps 5 times per minute during a volleyball match. The statistics also says that most volleyball teams jump about 300 times during a match. It’s clear that every volleyball player should concentrate on volleyball jump training. Below, we’ll explain to you what exercises volleyball players need to do for increasing a vertical jump.
Single Leg Bound
Oftentimes, a volleyball player needs to jump off one leg during the game. It’s worth noting that this type of jumping is done by both attackers and defensive volleyball players. That’s the reason why athletes should do single leg bound exercise regularly. Actually, this volleyball exercise has many great benefits. First and foremost, doing single leg bound helps volleyball players succeed in jumping off one leg. On the other hand, this exercise helps a volleyball player gain the confidence that he/she needs to do this type of jumping. The exercise also positively affects a volleyball player’s hip as well as hip flexor and quads. It’s crucial for volleyball players to do single leg bound exercise the right way. When jumping off one leg you should try to keep your opposite knee up as high as it’s possible.
Squat Jumps
Doing squat jumps helps volleyball players strengthen calves, glutes, hips as well as quads. When squatting down volleyball players should try to keep hips parallel. Make sure that your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
Tuck Jump
Doing tuck jump has a profound positive impact on a volleyball player’s glutes, hips and quads. When doing this type of volleyball exercise you should keep your knees as high as possible. Plus, you need to spend as little time on the ground.
Frog Hops
Frog hops is the right type of volleyball exercise for developing explosive jumping power. If you do this volleyball exercise on a regular basis you’ll be able to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings over the time. As a result, you’ll be able to jump higher!
Split Jump Lunge
Split jump lunge is the volleyball exercise that offers a great way of strengthening glutes, quads and hips. So, this exercise will have a huge positive impact on your vertical jump. It’s worth noting that this exercise requires some balance as well as a lot of strength from a lower body. It’s very important for you to take the right position before starting a split jump lunge. You should keep your knee directly over your foot. On the other hand, your knee shouldn’t go over your toe. Then, you need to drop down into the lunge. Now, it’s time for you to push both your feet simultaneously and switch legs. Lastly, you should gently land on the floor keeping your feet wide. You should also raise the opposite arm of your front leg while landing.
High Knee Skips
Volleyball players should do high knee skips for a number of reasons. It’s important to know that doing this type of exercise has a positive impact on a volleyball player’s calves, hamstrings and hip flexors. If you do this type of exercise regularly then you will be able to improve your vertical jump, endurance and coordination over time.
Volleyball Exercises for Explosive Speed
It’s fair to say that volleyball is a very fast game. That means that a volleyball player should be able to move quickly to do great job on the court. Volleyball players should focus on increasing foot speed as well as core rotational speed. Now, it’s time for you to get familiar with some of the best volleyball exercises for explosive speed.
Colored Cones Circles
Doing exercises like colored cones circles helps improve foot speed that’s incredibly important for a volleyball player. First of all, you should prepare randomly colored cones. You should also ask a coach (or friend) to assist you with this exercise. At the next stage, you need to place colored cones in the circle. Your goal is to create a circle that is 20 feet wide. Now, you need to stand in the center of the circle. The job of a coach (or friend) is to pick one of colored cones for you. So, you will need to approach to the appropriate cone as soon as possible and then return back to the circle’s center using a crossover step.
Uphill Acceleration Sprints
It’s another exercise that helps volleyball players develop foot speed. Uphill acceleration sprints involve sprinting on an uphill incline. You should perform sprints for a certain distance a set number of times. It’s a good idea to experiment with sprints. Set a number of repetitions, distance as well as the duration of break for sprints.
Dumbbell Torso Rotation
Dumbbell torso rotation is good exercise for improving core rotational speed. First of all, you need to prepare a dumbbell. Initially, you need to hold a dumbbell in the right hand. After that, you should touch the ground in front of the left foot. Now, it’s time for you to explode from low to high. Finally, you’ll have the dumbbell above the head on the right side.
Stationary Mat Twist
Some volleyball players choose to do stationary mat twist exercise for improving core rotational speed. Keep in mind that you need to prepare a mat as well as weight (or a medicine ball) for this exercise. First of all, you should kneel on a mat and hold a weight (or a medicine ball). Now, your job is to rotate to the right and then return to the center. You also need to rotate to the left and then return back to the center.
Volleyball Exercises for Strength and Conditioning
And of course, volleyball players should focus on developing strength. That’s why exercises for strength and conditioning have to be a part of a volleyball training program. Read on to get familiar with volleyball specific exercises for strength and conditioning.
Good Mornings
Good mornings is one of the best volleyball exercises for strength and conditioning. You should know that doing this type of exercise delivers multiple significant benefits to volleyball players. The exercise positively affects a volleyball player’s hamstrings and vertical jump. However, the most important thing is that doing the exercise on a regular basis results in improved strength. First of all, you need to prepare 2 dumbbells. Initially, you should hold dumbbells in front of you right on your hips. Now, pretend like you are getting ready to sit down and extend down. While doing this you should try to keep your weight on your body. After that, you should return back to the initial position. It’s recommended for a volleyball player to do good mornings 3 sets of 10 reps.
Side-to-side Twist with Overhead Press
This volleyball exercise is good for a volleyball player’s core and upper body strength. Those athletes who do this exercise on a regular basis usually find it easy to transfer the power from core to the upper body. This exercise is done with a plate. Hold a plate and sit down on the floor right on your bum. Your legs need to be on the grounds in front of you. You can also raise your legs. In this case, your knees will be bent. Now, it’s time for you to twist from side to side touching the ground on each side. You should also combine side-to-side twists with doing overhead press. You should do side-to-side twist with overhead press 3 sets of 20 reps.
Thank you so much for reading our article. We’ve just described some of exercises that need to be included in a volleyball training program. As the saying goes “success doesn’t happen overnight”! In other words, you need to work hard and do volleyball exercises on a consistent basis to start making a progress. So, do volleyball exercises regularly and all your efforts will be crowned with success over time. Good luck!
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