Volleyball Training During Quarantine

By Pakmen Volleyball Research Staff
Unfortunately, the outbreak of coronavirus has a huge negative impact on all kinds of sport. A break in volleyball training will negatively impact the performance of athletes on the court. Athletes have to adapt for quarantine. It’s incredibly important for volleyball players to stay active during this time.
Staying healthy and keeping your body in the best shape is necessary for volleyball. The quarantine means that it’s time for players to focus on home training (also known as off season training).
In this article we will explain what type of physical activity volleyball players can do and what skills they can develop when staying at home.
The disadvantage of the quarantine volleyball training is that it has certain limitations. You don’t have an opportunity to train together with your team and a coach. Nevertheless, you can continue to work hard and improve your skills as well as performance. Volleyball players have to use any opportunity to develop their skills and get better during quarantine.
There are many important things that volleyball players can do when staying at home. And of course, we’ll tell you about these things.
So, let’s get started.
Focus on Running
We all know that athletes in different sport disciplines choose to run consistently. Running is a key part of their training programs. The sport of volleyball is no exception.
It’s a great time to run during the quarantine. Running will become some kind of at home training for volleyball players. It would be great to run in the morning. If you find it hard to wake up early in the morning and run before your at home volleyball workouts. You should try to run in the evening as well.
Running helps volleyball players increase their endurance. Running is a great way to strengthen legs. Running also has a positive impact on a volleyball player’s explosive power. It’s also important to note that running is the type of cardio training that has a positive impact on a player’s overall health.
Do At Home Volleyball Exercises
There are many great exercises that volleyball players can do when staying at home. It would be nice for volleyball players to focus on leg strengthening exercises, exercises for increasing a vertical jump, conditioning training and, of course, exercises for developing certain skills.
It makes a lot of sense for athletes to do leg strengthening exercises. Lots of volleyball leg strengthening exercises can be done at home during the quarantine. Among the best volleyball leg strengthening workouts are: jump rope, box jumps, leg raises, tuck jumps, etc.
If you have dumbbells and a plate, you’ll be able to do some volleyball specific strength exercises at home during quarantine. There are many volleyball strength and conditioning workouts to do at home. These include: dumbbell pullover, dumbbell snatch, lunge with a twist, lateral lunge with a press and many others. Doing this type of exercise will help volleyball players improve their strength and conditioning and maximize their power on the court.
You can do different types of at home workouts to jump higher for volleyball including depth jump, medicine-ball broad jump, back squat and others. Doing these volleyball exercises on a regular basis will help you get the best vertical jump over time. Also, you will find it easy to make explosive movements on the court during a game when such a need arises.
Volleyball players can also develop various skills when staying at home during quarantine. Keep in mind that you can do at home volleyball workouts to develop blocking, passing, hitting, serving and setting skills.
It’s worth noting that most of these at home volleyball workouts don’t require special equipment.
You need to have a wall, a ball as well as targets to be able to develop volleyball skills at home.
Enjoy Yoga
Volleyball players should always relax their muscles after practices and matches. There is no better way to do this than to do yoga exercises. Yoga is a very helpful activity.
Doing stretches helps strengthen muscles and, most importantly, prevent different types of volleyball injuries on the court.
Watch Volleyball Matches
And of course, it’s important for volleyball players to watch volleyball matches regularly. Watching volleyball matches is the type of activity that volleyball players should do on a regular basis. Watching volleyball matches also give athletes an idea of how they should practice volleyball skills. If you would like to succeed in the sport of volleyball, then you need to watch the game of your favorite volleyball players on a regular basis.
However, volleyball players are very busy with practices and can’t make time for this activity. Obviously, volleyball players will have more time during the quarantine. Volleyball athletes don’t need to attend a gym. Also, all volleyball sport competitions will be cancelled during the outbreak of the coronavirus. So, athletes should take advantage of the quarantine to watch interesting volleyball matches.
Master the Art of Mental Imagery
Mental imagery is used in many different kinds of sport. There has been a lot of talk about the benefits of visualization or so-called mental imagery for volleyball players. Mental imagery is a great way to prepare for the game mentally.
There is no doubt that mental imagery helps volleyball players improve their skills, get confidence they need and, most importantly, demonstrate better performance on the court.
Oftentimes, volleyball players find it difficult to make time for mental imagery. However, they will have plenty of time to do mental imagery during the quarantine. There is no doubt that visualizing will contribute to your success and success of your team on the court.
It’s pretty easy to make use of mental imagery in order to get better at the sport of volleyball. All that you have to do is to find a quiet place, close your eyes, relax and start visualizing. Imagine how you will block, pass, set and serve the ball on the court. Imagine how you, your teammates as well as your opponents move on the court. Always imagine a good outcome of the game!
Have a Rest
It would be great for volleyball players to have a rest during quarantine. This will help volleyball athletes relax their body and mind.
Volleyball players train hard, travel a lot and participate in various competitions during a season. That’s why they are busy and sometimes don’t have any free time.
The quarantine makes it possible for volleyball players to relax and enjoy a variety of interesting activities.
In fact, there are many things volleyball players can do during quarantine. You can get enough sleep, read books, watch films, spend some time on social media sites, listening to music, etc.
Everything is up to you. During the quarantine, you can forget about volleyball training for some period of time and focus on many other interesting activities. Take advantage of quarantine to spend time with pleasure!
Support Contact with a Volleyball Coach
The main disadvantage of at home training during quarantine is that there is no coach on your volleyball practices. So, you need to train on your own. However, you have an opportunity to contact your coach anytime and discuss your training with him by phone and other means of communication. Do you have any questions about your at home volleyball training? Don’t hesitate to contact your volleyball coach to get advice. A coach may help you with an effective at home volleyball training program that works. So, you’ll be able to train smart during quarantine.
Thank you so much for reading this article. Nobody knows when the situation around the outbreak of COVID-19 will come to the end and how long the quarantine will last. As you can see, there are so many things volleyball players can do during quarantine. Follow our tips to go through the quarantine successfully. Take care of yourself to stay healthy and do at-home volleyball workouts to stay in good shape! Best of luck!