Tips for Improving Serve Receive Game

  • February 22, 2018

Volleyball players often need to neutralize an opponent’s serve during the match. Let’s assume that the opposing team’s server has made a serve. Now, your job is to receive a ball and make an accurate pass. Finally, your volleyball team has to carry out an attack hit. It’s pretty clear that volleyball players need to do everything they can to take their serve receive game to the next level. In this blog, you’ll be able to find a few tips for a better serve receive game.

Watch the Opponent’s Server Closely

Would like to receive an opponent’s serve successfully and make an accurate pass to one of your teammates? Well, if so you obviously need to watch the opponent’s server carefully. And of course, you should pay a close attention to server’s eyes, shoulders as well as arm swing. You need to start watching the opposing team’s server as soon as he/she has a ball in hand.

During the game you should also study the opponent server’s style. In fact, there are different types of serves in volleyball. These include: float serve, jump serve as well as topspin serve. Every server aims to develop his/her own style.

Obviously, the opposing team’s server will do everything he/she can to make it hard for you to handle his/her serve. However, if you know what the opponent’s server tends to do during the game then you will probably be able to receive his/her serve successfully.

Get Ready for Neutralizing an Opponent’s Serve

It’s important for you to prepare for serve receive game and balance your body properly in advance. If you take the correct initial position then you’ll certainly find it easy to start moving in any direction when such a need arises.

First of all, you need to keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Also, your legs need to be slightly bent. Plus, you should hold your arms loosely in front of you. Many volleyball players, who are responsible for receiving an opponent’s serve, also choose to have their hands on knees.

Also, it would be better for you to point your hips and shoulders towards target. So, you’ll be able to receive even a very strong opponent’s serve. If you prepare for an opponent’s serve beforehand you’ll have enough time to react to the opposing team’s actions, get behind and receive a serve.

A Good Communication is a Key to Improving Serve Receive Game

We have said numerous times that a good communication between athletes is incredibly important for the sport of volleyball. Effective communication is something that helps a volleyball team to achieve success.

Obviously, volleyball players should be able to communicate and understand each other successfully before, during and after the match. It’s also important to note that communication plays a big role in improving serve receive game.

It’s crucial for you to discuss serve receive game with your teammates ahead of time. So, by the time the ball is crossing the net you and your teammates will know exactly who is receiving a serve and who is receiving a pass during serve.

Athletes should work closely together during serve receive game and there is no question about it. If, for example, you see that your teammate is about to make a mistake during serve receive game you can shout loudly.

You can also shout loudly if you find it hard to receive an opponent’s serve for some reasons. As a result, your teammate will know about this and receive a serve instead of you.

This type of communication with your teammates will certainly help you avoid making any kind of mistakes and do fantastic job on the court. That’s why every volleyball player has to master the art of communication.

Watch the Ball Carefully During the Game

You should keep eyes closely on the ball all the time. You need to concentrate on the ball once a

server is starting to make a serve. Afterwards, you should continue watching the ball carefully and see how it comes across the net. Now, it’s time for you to predict where the ball is likely to land on the court and take an action.

Approach to the Ball with Arms Apart

After the serve has been made by your opponent you’ll need to start approaching to the ball immediately. Remember, every second counts! This means that you should move on the court very quickly.

On the other hand, you need to approach to the ball with arms apart. This will definitely help you prepare for receiving a serve. Obviously, if you spread your wings you’ll be able to get in the correct position fast and easy and receive a serve successfully.

Contact the Ball in the Right Way

When receiving an opponent’s serve you need to contact a ball with your forearms. Make sure that your thumbs point to the ground and your elbows are straight. This will help you create a wide platform to control a ball and make a pass to one of your teammates successfully.

Keep Your Arms and Wrists Together

Now, you need to make the perfect pass to one of your teammates. Keep in mind that an opposing team’s server can make either an easy serve or a hard serve. One way or another, you need to keep your arms and wrists together to receive the serve and pass a ball successfully.

You should contact the ball below the elbows and above the wrists. So, you’ll find it easy to control the ball after receiving an opponent’s serve. Prior to contacting a ball and making a pass to one of your teammates you should also aim to square your shoulders to the target. Make sure that your body faces the net prior to making the contact with a ball. By doing so, you’ll be able to help the ball reach the target.

Get Your Body Behind the Ball

When receiving a serve some volleyball players try to reach the ball with their arms. Actually, it’s one of the most common serve/receive mistakes in volleyball. You may find it hard to receive a serve in such a way.

It’s pretty easy to pass the ball after receiving a serve if you position yourself behind the ball. That’s why it would be better for you to move your feet first. This will allow you to position yourself behind the ball. As a result, you’ll be able to make an accurate pass to your teammate.

Finish the Pass the Right Way

Your chance for success will increase significantly if you finish the pass the right way. Ideally, your serve receive platform needs to be below shoulders. Finishing the pass in such a way will make it easier for you to control the ball.

A Player Receiving a Pass Should be Under Your Watch

It’s no surprise that the game of volleyball is all about serve receive, passing and carrying out an attack hit. Below, we’ll discuss each of these stages in detail.

It all begins with defence. First of all, you need to receive an opponent’s serve. Then, you should make an accurate pass to your teammate. After that, a player receiving a pass has to set the ball to your team’s attacker. Lastly, an attacker has to carry out an attack hit and send the ball to the opponent’s side of the court. And of course, a hitter should do everything he/she can to land the ball on the opponent’s side of the court successfully.

As it was mentioned above, you need to watch the opponent’s server closely during the match. Analyzing server’s style will certainly make it easy for you to receive an opponent’s serve. After that, you need to make an accurate pass to a setter.

Actually, you have to be able to make a pass within a few seconds after receiving a serve. All of this means that you should also watch your team’s setter all the time. Once the moment comes, it will not take you too much time to figure out where your setter is located on the court.

That’s it. Thank you so much for reading our article. As you can see, volleyball players can improve their serve receive game in a number of different ways. It’s widely known that success doesn’t happen overnight. So, you should practise serve receive game on a regular basis. Follow our tips for a better serve receive game and success will not keep you waiting for a long time. Best of luck!

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