Volleyball Drills for Blocking

The defense of a team significantly depends on the ability of its players to block the attacks during the game. That means that every volleyball team must have good volleyball blockers. Special attention should be paid to the preparation of blockers as well. For improving the defense of the volleyball team coaches have to focus on teaching their players blocking techniques.
Obviously, mastering good volleyball drills are important to blockers as well as other players of a team. Effective volleyball blocking drills allow players to improve their blocking skills dramatically. Moreover, volleyball drills for blocking can be a good addition to volleyball conditioning program. That is why volleyball drills for blocking have to be definitely included in the training program of any volleyball team.
There are many volleyball blocking drills available, so some coaches may find it difficult to choose the best volleyball blocking drills for their teams. Here, we are going to provide the best volleyball drills for blocking. It is worth noting that these volleyball drills are suitable both for beginners and experienced volleyball players.
Mirror Blocking
This volleyball drill is performed by two blockers. Players have to be located on different parts of the net. The first player has to perform a blocking movement. The task of the second player is to mirror a blocking movement.
Practicing this volleyball drill delivers two important benefits. A blocker learns how to understand his partners and how to react to their movements during the game. Another important benefit is that the drill allows players to master an effective blocking technique.
Blind Blocking Drill
Blind blocking drill is performed by three players. Blocker and attacker are located in front of each other. They stand near the net on different parts of the playing court. The third player stands behind the blocker. The third player passes the ball to an attacker. The attacker has to complete an attack hit. The task of a blocker is to block the attack.
Coaches typically recommend this volleyball drill to defensive players. Mastering blind blocking drill will certainly help a blocker understand the attackers of the opposite team much better and practice a jump block approach. Moreover, this drill will help a blocker select the right position on the playing court.
Block and Smash Drill
This volleyball drill for blocking is done by two players. Target mats are required for this drill as well. Initially, two players have to be located on different sides of the net. A blocker should stand near the net between the hitter and the target mat. First of all, a hitter has to throw a ball towards a net and set it to himself/herself. Then he/she has to move towards a ball and complete an attack hit. A ball has to go towards the target mat. Obviously, the main task of a blocker is not to allow the ball to hit the target. So, a blocker has to block and smash the ball.
Jousting Blocking Drill
Jousting blocking drill is performed by two players. Players have to stand near the net on different sides of the court. When performing this drill each of players can be either an attacker or a blocker. Initially, the ball is tossed up over the net by one of volleyball players (or a coach). At this moment, each of players has to either complete an attack hit or block an attack.
It is very important for volleyball players to develop a strategy that will allow them to win the game. Doing this volleyball drill is definitely more advantageous for small volleyball players. Obviously, smaller players have to focus on mastering the blocking technique when performing this drill.
Lower Net Volleyball Blocking Drill
This volleyball drill is especially important to beginning blockers. Doing this drill volleyball players will be able to learn how to place a body, arms and hands properly when blocking attacks. Another important benefit of performing this type of volleyball drills for blocking is that it improves feeling of successful blocks. Without a doubt, getting this feel is very important to a blocker as well as other volleyball players.
In fact, lower net volleyball blocking drill involves practicing successful blocking techniques with the lower net. This will certainly help players master blocking techniques easily and quickly. Once you learn how to block attack hits with lower net it is time for you to raise the net higher and try practicing volleyball blocking again. As a result, you will manage to improve your volleyball blocking skills dramatically.
Attack the Hole Drill
Performing this drill helps close holes between blockers. Attack the hole drill is performed by two blockers, a setter and hitters. A setter and hitters have to stand in a hitting line. Two blockers have to be located on the opposite side of the court.
Initially, the ball is tossed to a setter by a coach. The task of a setter is to set the ball to an outside hitter. Finally, the hitter completes an attack hit. The hitter has to do his/her best to hit the ball between blockers. Obviously, blockers have to do their best to resist an attack. Each time blockers block the ball they get 1 point. When the blockers get 5 points the rotation of players is performed.
It is also possible to perform this volleyball drill with 3 blockers. In this case, the middle blocker will need to select the right position on the court. This will definitely help players to learn how to close holes between blockers.
Block Hitter on Box Drill
This volleyball drill is performed by a coach and a blocker. Doing this blocking drill has a positive impact on footwork and timing as well as helps players improve the feeling of successful blocks.
At the beginning, a coach has to stand on the box. A blocker goes to the opposite side of the net. Then the coach tosses the ball to himself/herself and completes an attack hit. So, the ball is hit over the net. Obviously, the main task of a blocker is to jump up and resist an attack hit. When doing this volleyball drill a blocker has to focus on good blocking form and positioning his/her arms and hands properly. Also, it is very important for a blocker to get both hands on the ball.
It is a good idea to add a middle blocker to this volleyball drill. So, doing this volleyball drill will have a positive influence on blocking skills of a team.
Block Jump to Ball Drill
Block jump to ball drill is done by two players. A blocker and the second player should stand near the net on different sides of the net. The player should hold the ball. So, the task of a blocker is to do a block jump up to a ball.
A player holding the ball can stand on a chair at the beginning. When a blocker gets used to the drill it makes sense to make it more difficult. Before the blocker jumps up and touches the ball a player can also move the ball. As a result, the blocker will be confused.
It is worth noting that performing block jump to ball drill delivers multiple important benefits. At first, this drill helps a blocker master a successful blocking technique. At second, block jump to ball drill provides a player with the perfect opportunity to learn how to position hands properly.
Side to Side Blocking Drill
Three players are involved in this volleyball drill. Two players should stand on the boxes and hold the balls in their hands over the net. The task of a blocker is to move from side-to-side quickly, jump up and block the balls. Doing this volleyball drill on a regular basis will definitely help a blocker get into the blocking position during the game quickly. As a result, blockers will be able to stop the attacks of the opposite team successfully.
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