Jump Training for Volleyball Players

A volleyball player has to jump many times during a game. According to the statistics, on average a volleyball player jumps 80 – 100 times during a match. The statistics also says that a volleyball player has to jump 4 – 5 times to earn a point for his/her team. It goes without saying that having a high vertical jump is incredibly important for the success of both volleyball attackers and defensive volleyball players.
Volleyball hitters need to jump high in order to carry out a successful attack hit. Volleyball blockers need to jump high in order to resist the opposite team’s attacks. Obviously, jump training needs to be a key part of a volleyball training program. Both blockers and hitters should do their best to increase their vertical jump for volleyball.
This blog post concentrates on jump training for volleyball players. Today, we’ll provide you with effective volleyball jump training drills and volleyball jump training exercises. Also, we’ll provide you with workout tips for increasing a vertical jump for volleyball. Hopefully, all of this will help you develop an effective volleyball jump training plan that works.
Squat Jumps
A lot of volleyball players choose to do squat jumps. Doing this type of volleyball jump training has a profound positive impact on volleyball player’s explosive power. Also, you’ll be able to strengthen your calves, glutes, quads as well as hips significantly if you do squat jumps regularly. However, the most important thing is that you’ll be able to increase your vertical jump dramatically over time.
It’s worth noting that squat jumps are an easy to do exercise. First of all, you have to do is to squat down and jump up explosively. It’s clear that you should try to jump as high as you can. Finally, you have to land on your toes. It’s incredibly important for you to do this volleyball jump training exercise correctly. When squatting down, make sure that your hips are parallel to the floor. The angle between hips and knees has to be about 90 degrees.
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Jumping Rope
Jumping rope is another good jump training drill for volleyball. Doing this volleyball drill will positively affect your food speed and improve your coordination significantly. In addition, jump roping will have a huge positive impact on your calves and the explosive muscles.
However, you’ll be able to get the most out of jumping rope only if you do this volleyball jumping exercise the right way. Make sure that you don’t touch the ground with your heels while jumping. That’s the reason why you should do your best to keep on your toes when doing jumping rope exercise.
Single Leg Bound
It’s no surprise that volleyball players have to jump off one leg during the match very often. You should definitely focus on doing single leg bound exercise if you would like to master this type of movement.
It’s important to note that doing single leg bound delivers multiple significant benefits to a volleyball player. Keep in mind that doing single leg bound exercise has a positive impact on athlete’s hip flexor and quads. The exercise also has a positive impact on volleyball player’s explosive speed. On the other hand, doing this type of jump training helps a volleyball player stay balanced and control his/her body during the game.
When practicing single leg bound exercise you should use the power of one leg to explode off the ground. At the same time, you need to drive the opposing leg’s knee as high as possible. So, it will look like you are doing a backward bicycle motion.
Hop Over Drill
Hop over drill is the right type of training for volleyball players who would like to jump higher. While doing hop over drill you need to move front to back and jump over barriers at the same time. It’s very important for a volleyball player to jump up and leave the ground immediately after landing. This is something that helps volleyball players jump higher. So, you’ll be able to build your explosive power and increase your vertical jump over time if you practise hop over drill regularly.
Lateral Jumps
Volleyball players usually jump laterally on the court. That’s why lateral jumps need to be a part of a volleyball player’s jump training program. When doing this type of jump training a volleyball player has to jump high vertically and move side to side at the same time. You need to know that doing lateral jumps help a volleyball player increase his/her vertical jump dramatically. If you do lateral jumps, you’ll be able to strengthen your hips as well as glutes. Above all, doing lateral jumps helps volleyball players prevent different types of knee injuries.
Lunges are known for being one of the most effective lower body and leg exercises. Doing lunges is something that strengthens the muscles around knees. If these muscles are weak, a volleyball player may experience pain during games and practices. The main goal of lunges is to make these muscles as strong as possible. That means that you will be able to build your leg strength over time if you do lunges on a regular basis.
The big question is – how to do a lunge correctly? We’ll help you get the answer right now. First of all, you have to put one food in front of the other. You shouldn’t make any movement staying in this position. Next, you have to drop your body straight down. When doing this exercise you need to make sure that your knees stay behind your toes. As a result, your knee will stay right over an ankle. You should go down, but you shouldn’t go forward. All that you need to do is to drop your upper body straight down.
Make sure that your chest is up. When doing lunges you also need to look forward. Your task is to do 10 repetitions on one side. Then, you need to switch your legs and do 10 repetitions on the other side. Normally, an athlete has to do about 100 lunges during a workout.
Another cool thing about lunges is that this type of volleyball jump training has a positive impact on athlete’s jumping muscles (such as quads and hamstrings). Therefore, lunges need to be a part of your jump training if you would like to build your explosive power and jump higher vertically. It’s important for you to know that lunges can be done both by beginners and professional volleyball players.
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Repeat Jumping
Repeat jumping is known for being one of the best jump training exercises for volleyball players. It’s worth noting that repeat jumping is the type of jump training that can be done by volleyball players of all skill levels. That means that you’ll find it easy to do repeat jumping by yourself.
First of all, you have to stand in front of a wall. Then, you have to jump as high as possible. Try to jump 10 – 20 times if you have just started practicing repeat jumping. Later, you’ll be able to increase the number of jumps per workout. It’s recommended for volleyball players to do repeat jumping 3 – 5 times per week.
Another important thing that you need to be aware of is that you have to jump up as soon as possible after landing. By doing so, you’ll be able to get the most out of repeat jumping and increase your explosive power significantly.
What is great about repeat jumping is that this type of jump training provides volleyball players with quick results. It usually takes a volleyball player no longer than 2 – 3 weeks to see improvements. So, you’ll definitely begin to jump higher vertically if you practice this type of volleyball jump training for about 2 – 3 weeks.
Frog Hops
You’ll hardly be able to jump high vertically if you don’t work on explosive jumping power. So, it’s very important for a volleyball player to develop explosive power and strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings. This is something that helps an athlete to jump higher vertically during a game.
Keep in mind that you’ll be able to jump high and far only if you have strong tight muscles. Would you like to strengthen your tight muscles? If so, you obviously need to focus on doing such a jump training exercise as Frog Hops.
In fact, this type of jump training exercise is easy to do. All that you have to do is to jump like a frog. It’s pretty easy, isn’t? When doing this type of jump training you should aim to jump as high and far as possible.
You may find it hard to do Frog Hops at the beginning. However, things will definitely go easy when your muscles get stronger. Without a doubt, you’ll be able to jump higher and faster over time. The distance of your jump will increase as well.
Thank you so much for reading this article. There is no question that jump training plays a big role in success of volleyball players. Do jump training drills and exercises for volleyball players on a regular basis and success will certainly come your way. Best of luck!
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