Pakmen take centre stage at Nationals

By DAVID WINER Volleyball has many hotspots in the country. Volleyball Canada in Ottawa, the men's and women's indoor training facilities in Gatineau, Q.C. and Richmond, B.C. and the beach centre in Downsview. But, in reality, the epicenter; the country's heartbeat is in Mississauga... home of the Pakmen Volleyball Club. "The last wave of ... More

Pakmen bask in beach glory at Nationals

By DAVID WINER It was just another day at the beach for members of the Pakmen Volleyball Club. Other than the pomp and circumstance associated with the annual Beach Nationals at Toronto's Ashbridge's Bay, Pakmen did what they usually do--dominate and win. It made little difference that the country's best players were in attendance ... More


Javelin Sports: More Than Just a Game

Written by: Javelin Sports In Toronto, growth in the volleyball community is at an all-time high, and at the centre of this bustling community is an emerging platform that connects local volleyball players to training sessions, drop-in games, and tournaments all through an app on your phone. The Javelin App is a volleyball-focused platform ... More


Couple’s generosity comes with no ‘Strings’ attached

By DAVID WINER Hope Han knows a successful teacher needs infinite patience. The perfect blend of expertise, encouragement and time to procure the very best results. With such guidance a student can truly become talented at anything from scholastics, to music, to sports. As the owners and operators of Infiniti Strings in Markham, Han ... More


Portugal’s pro league ‘Singhs’ the praises of former Pakmen star

By DAVID WINER It is easy to spot Navreet Singh on the volleyball court. Wearing a patka, an under-turban identifying his Sikh religion, Singh is easily recognizable whether involved in the play, or not. Singh is only one of a million adherents of the religion in North America, which means it's a rarity to see Sikhs, making headlines in ... More


The Importance of Teamwork in Volleyball

By Pakmen Volleyball Research Staff Many sports require teamwork. The sport of volleyball is no exception.  It’s worth noting that teamwork is incredibly important for volleyball game. Volleyball itself is a team sport. That means that the sport of volleyball requires teamwork. Volleyball players have to cooperate and communicate a lot with ... More


Art of Mobility

About Us Art of Mobility is Healthcare Re-imagined We are a fresh and modern health and wellness clinic that is your one stop shop for all your health and wellness needs. We take a holistic and evidence-based approach to solving your health issues with the help of our unique space that houses an extensive range of services, state of the art ... More


FIVB Women’s World Championship 2022

By Pakmen Volleyball Research Staff The 2022 FIVB Volleyball Women's World Championship took place in the Netherlands and Poland. The matches of the tournament were played in such cities as Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Gdansk, Gliwice, Lodz and Rotterdam. It was the 19-th women’s world championship in the history of volleyball. The tournament ... More


Pakmen alumna Emma Glagau wins bronze at world beach finals

By DAVID WINER Every time sisters Emma and Kaylee Glagau step on to a volleyball court they have their parents to thank. Kevin and Cathy Glagau introduced their daughters to the sport by enrolling them at Mississauga's Pakmen Volleyball Club. A decade later after constant words of encouragement and from their parents, Emma and Kaylee are ... More


Pakmen arrives in Orangeville!

The nationally acclaimed Pakmen Volleyball Club is coming to Orangeville this fall. Programs for boys and girls in grades 1 to 8 will be offered at West Side Secondary School, 300 Alder St, Orangeville, ON L9W 5A2 beginning this Fall. Pakmen will offer the Spikes Learn-to-Play program for players in grades 1 to 6 and Development League for ... More